Madhya Lila Chapter 13
I offer my humble obeisances at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, whose elongated arms reach down to Their knees. Their complexion is as brilliant as molten gold.They initiated the congregational chanting of the holy names of Krsna. They have exquisite elongated lotus-petal eyes. They are the maintainers of the entire universe, the topmost brahmanas, the protectors of the religious principles of the age, the well-wishers of every living entity and the embodiment of mercy and magnanimity.
All glories to Lord Gaurasundara! All glory to Lord Nityananda who is served by everyone.
Lord Caitanya is always performing His pastimes in Navadvipa, but they are not visible to every eye. Ordinary people see Him as before, as Nimai Pandita; nothing more is perceivable to them about the Lord's activities or character.
The Lord reveals Himself to the fortunate devotees according to their realizations in devotional service. He hides Himself to the outside world of materialists.
One day, the Lord suddenly expressed a certain feeling to Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura, "Listen, Nityananda and Haridasa. Travel everywhere and tell people about My teachings. Go to every house and beg everyone of this, 'Chant Krsna's name. Worship Him and cultivate the science of Krsna consciousness'. Just repeat this only and make them chant only Krsna's name. At the end of the day come and give Me your reports. Those who do not comply with your requests I will come personally and cut them with My Sudarsan chakra."
The Vaisnavas were very amused to hear the Lord's orders; there was no question of anyone trying to change any of it. Considering that Lord Nityananda has accepted these orders with utmost respect, anyone who disregards them is demented. Anyone who is serving Advaita Acarya but does not worship Lord Caitanya will be destroyed by Advaita Acarya, Himself.
Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura, the two great devotees were on their way in a blissful mood with Lord Caitanya's order as their prime inspiration. They visited every house, going all over Nadia and requested of everyone: "Chant the holy names of Krsna and worship Him. He is everyone's shelter, friend and most treasured wealth. Practice Krsna consciousness with undivided intent."
Wearing robes of renunciates they approached the householders. Many invited them for food, but they only replied, "I only beg of you to chant 'Krsna', worship Him and cultivate devotional service."
This is all they repeated, then they went their way. The pious received their instructions well with faith, being also impressed by their effulgent figures, and replied happily to them expressing their pleasures, "I will do. I will do." Someone else said, "You two have mental aberrations due to wrong advice from others. You have become crazy because of bad company. Why have you come to infect us with your madness? Good and healthy persons have gone mad because of Nimai Pandita's bad influence."
Those who were disallowed entry into Srivasa Pandita's house during kirtana to see Lord Caitanya dance would react insolently to this saintly pair. They shouted, "Beat them! Beat them!" Still others said, "Maybe these two are informers of dacoits. Under the present pretext and garb they are collecting information. Why should saintly men act in this manner? If they come this way again I will hand them over to the law."
These comments only amused Lord Nityananda and Haridasa Thakura. They did not feel hurt or daunted. They simply continued to preach Lord Caitanya's message every day, and on returning, they described everything to Lord Caitanya.
One day they came across two drunkards, totally intoxicated, giant in size, and looking like the worst kind of pirates. Their tales of wicked acts are unending and there is not a sin that they had not committed. Although born in a brahmana family they consumed liquor and beef, robbed, stoled and burned others' houses. They disobey the court injunctions against them and always avoided appearing before the officers of the law, all day engaged in their wicked activities.
The two drunks rolled on the public streets, and when one caught the other unaware, he pounded him with his fists. People watched this fun, always keeping a distance. Just then Nityananda and Haridasa arrived.
The two drunks sometimes embraced each other affectionately and the next moment they would pull each other's hair. They used the most filthy and abusive language on each other. They ran the good name of the brahmana class in Navadvipa into the ground. Intoxication can ruin anyone's life and character.
Although they had committed every conceivable sin, they were still free from the offenses against Vaisnavas. They were just always intoxicated and had no opportunity to criticize Vaisnavas.
Such company where Vaisnavas are offended may consist of highly pious persons, still all their mercy is depleted. If Vaisnavas are offended even by an assembly of renunciates or sannyasis, such an assembly is more irreligious than a group of drunkards. For the drunks, there is still a chance for salvation, but for those who are critical of Vaisnavas, there is no hope for liberation.
In spite of studying the scriptures, a person may not become purified, and if such a person criticizes Lord Nityananda, then they are doomed.
The two drunks were still very much intoxicated as Nityananda and Haridasa saw them from a distance. Nityananda turned to someone in the crowd in the street and asked, "Who are these two men? Why do they act like this?"
They replied, "Gosain, they are brahmanas with very good and noble parents, a very good and aristocratic family. Their family has a spotless reputation dating back many generations in Navadvipa. These two are the black sheep of their family, and from the beginning they have been engaged in all sorts of sinful activities.
"Seeing their character, their family and society have ostracized them, and from that time they live independently as outcasts in the company of other drunkards. All the residents of Navadvipa are terrorized by them. They fear that any one of them could be the next target of their arson or looting. Everyone knows that they are capable of anything and everything."
When Lord Nityananda heard these facts about the two scoundrels, His heart melted. He immediately felt great compassion for them and began to consider how He could save them. He thought, "Lord Caitanya incarnated only to liberate and save the most fallen souls. Who is more degraded than these two?
"The Lord has appeared hiding His real identity. The ordinary folk are unaware of this and they foolishly deride Him. If My Lord is merciful to these two and saves them, then the entire world will acknowledge His Supreme potency. I, Nityananda, can prove to be a real servant of Lord Caitanya only when I persuade My Lord to awaken in these two their original Krsna consciousness.
"They are so drunk now that they are oblivious to everything, even themselves. If they could become similarly engrossed in chanting the names of Krsna, if they could cry My Lord's name, then My preaching and traveling would be successful.
"People now have to bathe in the Ganga with their clothes on, if somehow even the shadow of one of these sinners falls on them. If I could reverse this present condition, purifying them through Lord Caitanya, then when people saw them again they would feel clean, as though they had just taken a bath in the Ganga. Only then can I become worthy of My true name."
Lord Nityananda's glory and mercy is unfathomable. He has advented only to save the most fallen souls. After thinking to Himself, He told Haridasa Thakura, "How rotten they are! Although born in a brahmana family, they are so debauched that there is no way they can escape the worst kind of hellish punishment.
"The Muslim guards who had whipped you almost to death were forgiven by you. So now in the case of these two, if you are compassionate to them then instantly they can be saved. The Lord will certainly listen to you, if you plead on their behalf. The Lord, Himself, has said that He cannot refuse you, Haridasa. Let the whole world see the magnanimity of our Lord, that He is the savior of even these two. Just as the Bhagavatam sings about the liberation of Ajamila, let all the three worlds witness something just as unique."
Haridasa Thakura was all too familiar with Nityananda's nature, so he considered that these two sinners are as good as saved. Haridasa said, "Listen, my Lord. Your desire is certainly also the Lord's desire. You deceive me by saying that I can speak to the Lord, because I am an animal and I need to be deceived. You are doing this repeatedly only to teach me of my lowly position."
Smiling kindly, Lord Nityananda embraced him and spoke softly to him, "Let us repeat to these drunks the Lord's message, for which purpose we are roaming the streets. The Lord has instructed everyone to chant Krsna's name - especially the most degraded persons. Our duty is to simply repeat. The rest is depending on the Lord, whether they follow or not."
Once decided, they now walked together to the two drunks. The pious and saintly persons alike tried to dissuade Nityananda and Haridasa, "Do not venture near them. If they catch you, you might even lose your life. We live in fear of these two. How do you muster up the courage to go to them? You cannot expect them to understand the holy position of a sannyasi; these two murder brahmanas and slaughter cows."
Yet, undeterred and joyous, both continued walking towards the sinners, chanting Krsna's name. When close enough for them to hear Lord Caitanya's message, they called out, "Chant Krsna's name. Worship Him, for the Lord is as dear to you as mother and father. He is the most wonderful treasure of the heart. He has appeared in His incarnation only for your sake. So give up all your sinful activities and surrender to such a merciful Lord."
Hearing voices, the two drunks lifted their heads, their eyes bloodshot with rage. Seeing that the voices belonged to sannyasis, they cried out in anger, "Catch them. Catch them!" and then prepared to grab them. Haridasa and Nityananda hastily retreated, being chased by these two shouting drunks. Their cries were nasty and the two sannyasis were afraid of them.
People started saying, "We had warned them before, but they did not heed it. So now they are put into a fearful situation." The atheistic persons derived pleasure out of this inside themselves and maliciously thought, "These charlatans have been properly punished by Lord Narayana." The pious brahmanas cried out, "O Lord Krsna, save them. Save them!" And they all fled the place in fear.
The two rogues were now chasing the two saints, and although they cried out, "Catch them! Catch them!", they were still not near them. Nityananda said, "My dear Vaisnava, Haridasa, we have gotten ourselves into a fine mess. We can call ourselves lucky if we come out of this one alive." Thakura Haridasa replied, "O Lord, what is the use of talking. Acting on Your advice we now face unnatural or violent death. Because You have given instructions on the holy name of Krsna to these two faithless drunkards, we are earning our due reaction and punishment - death."
Speaking in this manner, Lord Nityananda continued to run, laughing gleefully while the two rogues chased them hurling loud abuses. Their bodies were ugly and fat, so movement was difficult. Yet they ran after the two.
"O brothers, where do you think you can go? How will you escape Jagai and Madhai today? You seem not to know that Jagai and Madhai move about in this area. So stay a while and get nicely acquainted with this place." These words further spurred them on and they kept chanting, "Save us, Krsna. Save us, Krsna. O Govinda!"
Haridasa said to Nityananda, "Lord Krsna saved me sometime back from the cruel hands of my Muslim tormentors, but today due to my companion's restless nature and lack of mature intelligence, I am about to face my final end."
Lord Nityananda replied, "You are incorrect. This restlessness is not My real nature. It is manifesting in this manner due to your master, Lord Caitanya's spiritual ecstasies. Although He is a brahmana, He is relaying orders like some king. By His orders we go from door to door, although I have never heard anyone else give such orders. In the process of executing His order, our only remuneration is the harsh abusive words and false accusations of the people. If we do not carry out His orders then we are finished, and if we do, then this present dilemma is our result. As for blaming someone for all this, you single Me out, but in fact your master also has a share in it."
The two carried on their verbal mock fight with each other with great pleasure, still being chased by the two drunken rogues. Running, they went in the direction of Srivasa Pandita's house, and the two rogues were left behind to run around in circles confused by intoxication. The two rogues were confounded looking in all directions. They had no idea where the two saints had gone. They just gave up the chase and shuffled about. Nityananda and Haridasa, after a little rest, turned back to see whether the rogues were still chasing them. They got up, embraced each other laughing, and went to see Lord Caitanya.
They found Lord Caitanya sitting amidst all the Vaisnavas, His exquisite beauty flowing from every part of His transcendental form. His eyes were like two fully-bloomed lotuses. His beauty caused Madana, the demigod of love to swoon. They were discussing Krsna conscious topics in the assembly. Sometimes the Lord would reveal the transcendental truth about Himself. It was as if the Lord of Vaikuntha, Narayana sat in discourse with Sanaka and the other sages.
Nityananda and Haridasa narrated their day's experience to the assembly. "A strange incident occurred: we came across two drunkards totally intoxicated. We were told that they were from brahmana families. We thought of doing them a good turn and requested that they chant Krsna's holy name, but they reacted violently and chased us. We could barely escape with our lives."
Lord Caitanya said, "What persons are these? What are their names? Being brahmanas, why do they act in this coarse manner?"
Srivasa and Gangadasa were sitting close to the Lord and they said, "My Lord, these two persons are Jagai and Madhai. Their father is a pious brahmana, but bad company has spoiled these two; now they know only intoxication. Their names instill fear in the hearts of the people, and they live by stealing, looting and violence. It is impossible to describe how fallen they are; but You see everything and know everything, My Lord."
Lord Caitanya said, "I will show these two rogues. I will cut them to pieces if they come in front of Me."
Lord Nityananda said, "You may cut them to pieces but I will not move from there, for if they are not alive I will not be able to carry out Your mission. Why are You getting so angry with them? Allow Me first to make them chant Lord Krsna's name. The pious will naturally chant Krsna's name, but these two know only irreligious activities. If You deliver them and bring them into devotional service, then Your fame as 'Patita Pavana' or 'deliverer of the fallen' will remain intact. Your fame as 'Patita Pavana' had increased when You saved Me, but that fame will reach unlimited bounds if You deliver these two."
Laughing, Lord Visvambhara said, "They are already liberated - as soon as those two rogues saw You they were delivered. You are so concerned about their welfare; Krsna will very soon take full care of them."
The devotees broke out in jubilant shouts of "Hari, Hari". When they heard Lord Caitanya's words, they were convinced that the sinners were already saved.
Haridasa spoke to Advaita Acarya, "The Lord has sent me out with an extremely restless person. If I go in one direction, He will find another. He will jump into the crocodile-infested swelling monsoon waters of the Ganga and try to catch the crocodiles. I stand on the banks shouting for Him to return; He ignores everything, and floats downstream like a dead man. And if He sees a young boy on the banks, then He gets up and goes shouting angrily after the boy. Soon the boy's irrate parents arrive with sticks, then I have to plead and beg with them before sending them away.
"He steals butter and cream from the milkman and runs away, but I get caught and they want to beat me up. He is always doing these sorts of activities which are incorrigible and beyond all logic. If He comes across a young maiden, He asks her to marry Him. He sits on a bull shouting 'Mahesh!' (Lord Siva), and if He sees a cow He milks her and drinks the milk.
"When I try to advise Him about His activities, He mocks You saying, 'What can that Advaita of yours do to Me? And that person who you call "Caitanya", what can He do to Me?'
"I repeat nothing of all this to Lord Caitanya. Today I was saved only by the Lord's grace. Two drunkards were lying in the street in a stupor, and He approached them and tried to preach to them about Krsna. They became enraged and charged at us. We were saved from death today only by your mercy."
Very much amused, Advaita said, "That is nothing special for Him. An intoxicated person should join other drunkards. He is drunk with love of God, so He should join the other two. As a renunciate devotee you have no business in such company. I know Nityananda's character and ability; He will make everyone intoxicated with divine love. Wait another few days; He will also bring those two into the Vaisnava fold."
Advaita Acarya was suddenly overcome with anger and He threw away his clothes from his body. He started strongly chastising, "I want to hear everything about Caitanya's devotion to Lord Krsna, how He sings, how He dances, and what is the extent of His potency. Just wait and see tomorrow. Nimai and Nitai will bring those two drunks with them, and dance with them here, and have them mingle with all the other Vaisnavas. Let's not run away from here just to save our castes."
Haridasa laughed at Advaita Acarya's angry mood, and was relieved and assured that the two drunks would be saved. Who is able to really fathom the inner meaning of Advaita's words? Only personalities like Haridasa Thakura can understand since he is of that spiritual caliber. Many who misunderstood the real position of Advaita in relation to the other associates of the Lord and the Lord Himself, criticize Gadadhara Pandita for acting on the Lord's desire, inviting their own doom. Any person who sides with one Vaisnava against another Vaisnava, and criticizes them, is destined to be destroyed.
The two drunks were as usual going to different places in the town. By some divine arrangement they came and set up their den on the banks of the Ganga at a bathing place that was frequented by Lord Caitanya. There they went about their business of terrorizing the people.
The entire neighborhood, the rich, the poor, and the misers were in the grips of terror. After dusk no one ventured to go to the Ganga for their evening ablution, and if at all, then only in large groups.
They spent their nights close to the Lord's house. Every night they heard the Lord's kirtana, staying up whole nights when they heard the sweet kirtana accompanied by mrdanga and cymbals. They danced a drunken jig to the sound of the kirtana, greatly amused at themselves. The kirtana and their dancing increased their appetite for more wine, at times listening to the kirtana and at other times getting up to dance. All this went on in a state of drunken stupor. They were totally drowned in intoxication, oblivious to time and place.
When they accidentally met the Lord, they remarked to Him, "O Nimai Pandita, it is nice that You sing. I want to see how You sing the Mangala Chandi (verses in glorification of Durgadevi) every night. I will bring all the paraphernalia for the chandi kirtana."
Lord Caitanya kept a distance from them, seeing their drunken state, but others went a different way altogether to escape these rogues.
One day Lord Nityananda was returning to Lord Caitanya's house in the evening after staying in town the whole day. The two rogues went and halted Him. Jagai and Madhai shouted out, "Who is it?" Nityananda replied, "I am going to Nimai Pandita's house." In a drunken state they commanded, "What is Your name?" Lord Nityananda replied, "My name is Avadhuta."
Lord Nityananda, lost in the mood of a young boy, began to converse with the two drunks, performing His lila. He had already made up His mind that He would deliver them, so He purposely chose this time to come by this way. When Madhai heard the name 'Avadhuta' he picked up a piece of broken earthen wine pot and, seething with rage, he threw it at Nityananda. The stone struck Nityananda on the forehead, and it started bleeding. Lord Nityananda quietly meditated on Govinda, Krsna.
Jagai was deeply shocked to see blood dripping from Lord Nityananda's forehead. When Madhai once again raised his arms to strike Nityananda, Jagai caught his hands. He said, "Why did you do such a heartless brutish thing? What can you gain by striking this foreigner? This Avadhuta is innocent. Do not hit Him again. He is a renunciate; hitting Him will not benefit you."
People went running to Lord Caitanya to inform Him of the incident. The Lord immediately collected a large army of His disciples and arrived at the spot. Lord Nityananda was still amidst the two, blood dripping all over His body, but He was smiling.
When Lord Caitanya saw blood on His beloved Nityananda, He went into a fit of wrath and cried out, "Chakra! Chakra!" Calling for His most devastating weapon, the Sudarsan disc immediately appeared looming ominously before the very eyes of Jagai and Madhai.
The devotees became very fearful, and Nityananda quickly went to Lord Caitanya begging Him, "When Madhai was about to hit Me, Jagai tried to check him; but accidentally I was hit and although You see blood on Me, I do not feel any pain. Please be calm, My Lord, I have no pain. See. I beg of You to spare them and give them to Me."
When the words about Madhai being checked penetrated Lord Caitanya's hearing, He became very pleased and He went up to Jagai and embraced him. He said to Jagai, "May Lord Krsna bless you; you have won Me over by protecting Nityananda. You can ask for anything you very much desire, and I shall grant you the boon. From today, may you be firmly situated in a pure devotional life, experiencing love of Godhead."
The Vaisnavas became joyous, appreciating Lord Caitanya's blessings upon Jagai with loud cries. And when Jagai heard Lord Caitanya blessing him with love of Godhead, he fell unconscious with ecstasy.
Lord Caitanya said, "Jagai, rise up and see. I have truly blessed you with love of Godhead." Jagai then saw Lord Caitanya in His four-handed manifestation, holding the conch, disc, mace, and lotus. Jagai placed His lotus feet on his chest. Jagai knew that the lotus feet on his chest sustained Laksmi-devi's life, so he caught them tightly as his most treasured object, and wept like a child, purified of his sins. Lord Caitanya is always performing such wondrous pastimes.
The same soul resides in both Jagai and Madhai. One was purified of all his sins, yet the other was still a sinner. While Jagai was praying to Lord Caitanya, Madhai was already being transformed within. Overlooking the presence of Lord Nityananda, Madhai quickly got up and threw himself like a stick before Lord Caitanya. Catching hold of His lotus feet he prayed, "Both of us were sinners, sinning together in the same place, at the same time. Why was Your mercy shown to one and not the other, My Lord? Be merciful to me, I shall chant Your holy name, for there is no one else who can deliver a wretch like me."
Lord Visvambhara replied, "I cannot deliver you; you were responsible for shedding Nityananda's blood." Madhai replied, "You cannot say this, My Lord. How can You act against Your own religion? In Your previous incarnation, why did You give liberation to those demons who were piercing Your body with arrows?"
The Lord replied, "Your offense is far greater than those demons, because you have hurt Nityananda, My most beloved associate. I am revealing to you this truth: that Nityananda's body is more dear to Me than My own is to Me."
Madhai said, "Since You are already revealing the truth to me, tell me how I can be saved? You are the Supreme healer of all diseases. I can be healed of my disease only by Your treatment. Please do not deceive me anymore, O Lord of the Universe. Your real identity is already known. Who can You hide it from?"
Lord Visvambhara said, "You have committed a grievous offense. Go and fall at Nityananda's feet." Thus Madhai threw himself at Nityananda's feet, following Lord Caitanya's instructions. Lord Nityananda's lotus feet are eternal treasures, and once anyone holds onto them, they will never be forsaken. This fact is well understood by Revati devi.
Lord Visvambhara said, "Listen, dear Nityananda, he is at Your feet. You must show him mercy. Since he was responsible for shedding Your blood, only You can forgive him."
Lord Nityananda said, "What can I say or do, My Lord? Everything is a transformation of Your mercy. If I have acquired any piety due to devotional service to You, then let all My pious results be given to Madhai. And as for My offenses I do not mind them; but You, Lord, should leave aside Your deception and unconditionally shower Your mercy on Madhai."
Lord Visvambhara said, "Now that You have forgiven everything, why not also give Madhai Your transcendental embrace." Receiving Lord Visvambhara's order, Nityananda firmly embraced Madhai, and Madhai was immediately relieved of all sinful reactions and his body became surcharged with Lord Nityananda's spiritual powers.
Both Jagai and Madhai were now completely purified of all sins and they began to glorify both Their Lordships Gaura and Nitai.
Lord Caitanya said, "From now on, do not commit any more sinful activities." Jagai and Madhai replied, "Never again, My Lord." Lord Caitanya said again, "Both of you, listen carefully. It is an absolute fact that I have delivered you from all your sinful reactions accumulated over many many births. If you do not engage further in any sinful activities, I will take full responsibility of your sinful lives. I will take your remnants and My energy will manifest within your bodies."
The Lord's promise to the two was like sweet nectar in their ears, and they fell down in a state of blissful trance upon hearing His words. All misconceptions and nescience dissipated from their minds, and Jagai and Madhai were exhilarated in these moments of spiritual happiness. The Lord perceived this mood and instructed His men accordingly.
"Take those two men to My house and I will perform kirtana with them. I will give them today what is rarely accessible to even Lord Brahma. I will convert these two men to first class devotees who will become famous all over the world.
"Those who would cleanse themselves in the holy waters of the Ganga each time they previously contacted Jagai and Madhai, I will change their opinions. Now they will consider that the association of Jagai and Madhai is as good as the association of Gangadevi herself. This was Nityananda's desire. Nityananda's promise can never go in vain."
All the Vaisnavas escorted Jagai and Madhai into the inner recess of Lord Caitanya's house. Allowing only the Vaisnavas inside, the Lord closed the doors.
Lord Visvambhara sat down, and Nityananda and Gadadhara sat on either side of Him. In front facing Him sat the exalted Advaita Acarya, and the rest of the devotees sat all around Him. They were: Pundarika Vidyanidhi, Haridasa Thakura, Garuda, Ramai, Srinivasa, Gangadasa, Vakresvar Pandita, Candra Sekhara and many other associates of the Lord who know the real nature of the activities of the Lord. They all sat in that assembly with Jagai and Madhai.
Jagai and Madhai were so swayed by the spiritual ecstasy generated in that Vaisnava assembly and kirtana, that they began rolling on the ground manifesting symptoms of ecstasy like horripilation, profuse tears, shivering, etc. Who is able to fathom the unlimited and nectarine pastimes of the Lord, that He can convert two rogues into exalted devotees? They were previously atheists and sinners, but now they are like two renounced spiritualists. Whosoever has faith in these activities of the Lord will attain the lotus feet of Krsna, and the worst degradation is reserved for the non-believers.
Jagai and Madhai offered prayers of praise to the Lord, and the Lord and devotees heard them with happiness. By the will of the Lord, Sarasvati devi, the goddess of learning, appeared on their tongues. Jagai and Madhai saw both Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda sitting in one place and they perceived Their individual real identities. The prayers they offered were so potent that if one hears them, one immediately develops loving attachment to Krsna.
They prayed, "All glory to Lord Visvambhara, the Lord of Lords. All glory to Lord Nityananda who is serving Lord Visvambhara in so many ways. All glory to Lord Caitanya who is the preceptor for congregational chanting of the name of Lord Krsna. All glory to Lord Nityananda who carries out all of Lord Caitanya's desires. All glory to the son of Jagannatha Misra. All glory to Lord Nityananda who has taken complete shelter of Lord Caitanya.
"All glory to Saci-devi's son who is an ocean of mercy, and all glory to Lord Nityananda, the Lord's constant companion. All glory to You, Lord of my heart, who is born as the son of a king's scholar, and all glory to Lord Nityananda who is the embodiment of compassion. All glories to the activities of Lord Caitanya and all glory to Lord Nityananda, the most exalted Vaisnava.
"All glory to the Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya who holds the conch, disc, mace, and lotus. All glory to Lord Nityananda who is non-different from Lord Caitanya, and is glorious as the 'Avadhuta'.
"All glory to Lord Gauracandra, the life and soul of Advaita Acarya; all glory to Lord Nityananda, who in His Ananta Sesa expansion is glorifying the Lord with thousands of mouths.
"All glory to Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara Pandita's life force and the master of Murari. He is the source of all joy to Haridasa Thakura and Vasudeva.
"O Lord! You have in all Your previous incarnations delivered innumerable sinful persons; these acts are supremely wonderful. The whole world sings hymns praising these pastimes. In fact, by delivering two sinful wretches like us, the glories of Your previous activities are somewhat reduced - after all, we are insignificant.
"The story of Ajamila's deliverance was glorious. We seem puny and small next to that. This I say not in useless praise, but with full conviction; Ajamila was the perfect candidate for Your mercy. The Vedas declare that even a killer of millions of brahmanas can attain liberation immediately upon chanting Your holy name. It is not at all surprising that Ajamila attained liberation by chanting Your name, because such is the transcendental potency of Your holy name.
"You have incarnated especially to expound the highest truth of the Vedas; the authority of the Vedas would be undermined if sinners like us are not delivered. We were inimical towards You and even struck Your beloved Nityananda. Yet You delivered us. One can easily judge the unimaginable difference between Your magnanimous act and our heinous low behaviour.
"As soon as Ajamila uttered 'Narayana', four messengers of the Lord appeared before him. As for us, when we saw You, we immediately drew blood from Your forehead - for which, we were able to see Your expansion, and expansion of expansions, Your weapon for this incarnation (the Holy Name) and Your eternal associates. You had all along kept these wonderful facts a secret, but now these unlimited excellences have been exposed.
"Now by Your grace, the essence of the Vedas is more clear, and so Ananta Sesa can freely sing this truth. Now the hidden storehouse of Your transcendental qualities has been opened and the best example of this is that You have saved us, out of Your causeless mercy.
"Demons like Kamsa were cruel to You, yet You gave them liberation after killing them. You have so many pastimes which are most confidential, and some of the kings and warriors could see a little of it unraveled when they fought with You at the Svayamvara. Although they could see You face to face, they all met with doom.
"Those devotees who would clean themselves in the holy waters of the Ganga if perchance they even stepped on our shadows, now they are touching and mingling with us. O Lord, in every respect Your activities are supramundane, and there is no way to deceive anyone anymore about Your transcendental nature. Everyone is well aware of this.
"When Gajendra the king of the elephants prayed to You, You appreciated his faith and surrender, so You relieved him from his distressful condition, giving him liberation.
"Similarly it was not by accident that You delivered Putana the witch, and all the other demons like Aghasura, Bakasura etc. Upon leaving their bodies they were immediately transported to transcendence. Who can understand these activities of Yours, unless they approach this subject through the knowledge of the Vedas?
"The way You have delivered these two most wretched fallen souls was witnessed by the entire creation. All the wretched sinners You have delivered so far had some kind of qualifications, but we have not a single qualification. Yet You causelessly delivered us because of Your unlimited merciful nature."
Jagai and Madhai finished their prayers with tears of joy streaming down their glowing faces - such is the transcendental potency of the Lord. The assembled Vaisnavas were astounded, having seen everything that had happened in their very presence, and they clasped their hands in great reverence before the Lord, offering Him their prayers.
"The choicest words that were just spoken by these two drunks in praising You were possible only by Your causeless mercy. Who can understand the nature of Your inconceivable potencies? You give Your mercy by Your own sweet will."
The Lord replied, "These two are not to be considered as drunks or rogues anymore; from now on they are My servitors. All of you kindly pray for them that they may never leave My devotional service. Whatever offenses they may have committed against any of you, please forgive them and bless them."
Hearing Lord Caitanya's words, Jagai and Madhai threw themselves down at the feet of all the Vaisnava devotees, and catching their feet, begged for mercy. The devotees were moved by their humility, and blessed them. Thus Jagai and Madhai became free from all desires to commit further sinful activities.
Lord Caitanya said, "Rise, rise O Jagai and Madhai. You have nothing to worry about anymore - now you are My servitors. Your prayers were all true and are well-appreciated. Such mercy and miracles that you have now witnessed and experienced were impossible in your present bodies, but it is now made possible only by the mercy of Lord Nityananda. This is an absolute fact. All Vaisnavas present here, please witness that I am taking on Myself all the sinful actions of these two souls."
To make everyone understand that He was accepting the sinful actions of Jagai and Madhai, Lord Caitanya's body became blackish in complexion. The Lord inquired, "Why do you all look at Me in that manner? How do I look?" Advaita Acarya replied, "You look like Lord Krsna."
Lord Caitanya began to laugh at Advaita Acarya's words, and all the Vaisnavas became ecstatic, expressing their joy in jubilant sounds.
Lord Caitanya said, "Begin kirtana; then this black shroud of sin will lift from My body and enter the bodies of those who criticize the devotees of the Lord." The devotees were happy to hear these words and they began a loud kirtana.
Lord Visvambhara and Lord Nityananda began to dance, and the Vaisnavas circled around them in joyful abandonment, singing their praise. Advaita Acarya also began to dance. Lord Caitanya had advented on His request and the world was saved because of Him alone.
Everyone joined in the ecstatic singing and dancing, keeping time by clapping their hands. They forgot their awe and reverence for the Lord in their joy, and nobody knows the countless times they bumped into the Lord while dancing.
Mother Saci sat in the inner chambers with her daughter-in-law and saw everything, feeling herself carried away in waves of ecstasy. Everyone was drowned in the flood of happiness of love of Godhead, Sri Krsna. Even Laksmi devi is very careful in touching the Lord's body, but now even the two drunks were freely mingling and dancing, and touching the Lord.
Lord Caitanya delivered these two, while He pushed the fault-finders and offenders of the Vaisnavas down to the worst hell. One never advances in spiritual life by finding faults in other Vaisnavas. In fact, only sinful reactions are increased. So give up all your fault findings.
After dancing, the Lord sat down and all the Vaisnavas sat around Him. The Vaisnavas were covered in thick layers of dust, yet they were still clean and glowing.
The Lord again looked like His original beautiful golden self, and smiling He said, "Do not consider these two persons as being sinners any longer, since I Myself have burnt up their sins. My energy has entered them and I make them act, speak, walk, and eat; and when I leave they will also leave their bodies behind. The conditioned living entities, unable to bear much pain, call out for help with a little suffering, and even when the body is burnt, the soul does not want to associate with their body.
"The conditioned living entities, under the influence of their false ego, begin to credit themselves for all their activities and become proud. This is very dangerous. All the activities so far carried out by these two were under the spell of false ego, but now I have stopped all that. From now on, they should be counted amongst you as Vaisnavas, without discrimination.
"All of you please listen attentively. Anyone who gives these two brothers anything to eat with devotion and respect is in fact offering Lord Krsna the most relishable honey. Even a leaf offered with love to them is nectar to Krsna.
"Anyone who ridicules these two in any way will be destroyed because of their offensive attitude." The Vaisnavas were pleased to have Jagai and Madhai join their fold, and offered them obeisances.
The Lord said, "Let us all go to the waters of Bhagirathi Ganga." As they came to the river they jumped in. Constant chanting of God's holy name has made the devotees young in spirit and now they played in Jahnavi Ganga's waters like little children. Even the sober older devotees were acting like the restless youths. This is true because of the influence of devotional service to Lord Krsna.
Just before this was the festivity of kirtana, and now they were all submerged in the festivity of water sports with the Lord. All the barriers of awe and reverence were lowered between the Lord and His devotees, and they played with each other as equals. The Lord splashed water on the devotees, but no one could counter the Lord's attacks. In all the water fights between the Lord and the devotees, the Lord was always the winner - the devotees fled His ferocious attacks after only a few minutes of feeble resistance.
At times Advaita Acarya, Lord Gauranga and Lord Nityananda were engaged in water sports together; another time Srivasa, Haridasa Thakura and Mukunda played together. In this way all the devotees including Sri Garbha, Sadasiva, Murari, Sriman, Purusottama, Mukunda, Sanjaya, Buddhimanta Khan, Vidyanidhi, Gangadasa, Jagadisa, Gopinatha, Garuda, Srirama, Govinda, Sridhara, Krsnananda, Kasisvara, Jagadananda, Govindananda, Sri Suklambara etc. took part. It is impossible to write down all the names of the unlimited lists of Lord Caitanya's devotees; later Vedavyasa will compile all the names in the Puranas.
All the devotees were wholly engrossed in water sports, experiencing the highest spiritual pleasures. Sometimes someone was victorious and at other times he lost. They all enjoyed playing together with Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara, Nityananda and Advaita Acarya.
Once Lord Nityananda, catching Advaita Acarya unaware, splashed water into His eyes. For a while He could not open His eyes, and thus infuriated, He started hurling abuses at Nityananda. He said, "Where did this drunkard come from? He has blinded Me! Srivasa Pandita has brought this traveling mendicant from somewhere and He is now moving about as if He is one of us. And that Visvambhara is also associating with Him closely, doing so many things secretly with this traveling mendicant."
Lord Nityananda replied, "Do you not feel any shame? What is the use of all this argument? After all, You have lost!"
Lord Caitanya intervened saying, "Once is not sufficient. I will only accept a win or loss if it is repeated three times."So once again Advaita Acarya began to fight with Nityananda Prabhu. It was difficult to tell Them apart because of their physical similarities in the water. They seemed like one person in two different places. Both played vigorously. Sometimes someone won, and then again lost in the next fight. Like this They were both equally matched. But Nityananda once again caught Advaita off guard, and He forcefully splashed water into His eyes.
Advaita Acarya was hurt and startled and said, "You drunkard! You cannot become a sannyasi just by murdering a brahmana. You have spent most of Your time travelling in the West, eating in different people's homes, and nobody knows a thing about Your family, Your caste or other background information. We know nothing about Your parentage or Your guru. You are simply here eating, sleeping and moving about. Everyone just calls You 'Avadhuta'."
Actually, Advaita was eulogizing Lord Nityananda under the pretext of using abusive language. All of Nityananda's followers laughed at the words along with Nityananda, knowing the real meaning of these words. But Advaita Acarya continued His acting and was livid with rage as He said, "I will destroy everyone! Then do not blame Me."
The devotees laughed at the show of anger. He was revealing the truth under the guise of being angry; His words only sounded like abuses. If someone does not understand the esoteric meaning of such vociferous fights, and takes sides glorifying one while condemning the other, that person will certainly be annihilated.
Only those fortunate souls who have received the mercy of Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya can understand the esoteric meanings of the words of Vaisnava devotees.
Then after a while the two stalwarts, Nityananda and Advaita, embraced each other. These two Lords are always drunk with the nectar of love of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
In this way, every night after kirtana, Lord Caitanya went with all His associates to perform water sports in the Ganga. Such pastimes cannot be seen by ordinary people, but the demigods took great pleasure in witnessing all these sports of the Lord, while remaining in their hiding places.
They got up from the waters and came to the land chanting Lord Hari's name. The Lord garlanded everyone with prasada flower garlands and applied sandalwood paste on them, bidding them farewell before they went for their meals. He then again offered Jagai and Madhai to all the Vaisnavas and gave them His personal garland. These pastimes of the Lord are eternal and continuous; they only appear and disappear as described in the Vedas.
The Lord returned home and after washing His feet, He offered prayers to Tulasi devi. He sat down to eat and Mother Saci brought all the prasadam foodstuff to His presence. He prayed to all the previous Acaryas offering them prasadam, and then the Lord of the entire cosmic manifestation ate His meal with relish. He cleansed His mouth and then sat by the door. Mother Saci looked to her heart's content at the young couple as They sat together; she felt a great ecstasy drowning her body and soul.
Who can fully gauge the extent of Mother Sacidevi's good fortune? Only if Ananta Sesa could ululate with His thousand of hoods could one understand this. Even if one utters the name 'ai' (short term of Sacidevi's name) in material consciousness, that word will free them from all sufferings. Sacidevi even forgot herself as she gazed into her son's beautiful face.
At last Lord Visvambhara got up to go to bed. Then all the demigods who were secretly present there also left. Daily Brahma and Lord Siva and other demigods came to serve their Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya. No one can see these personalities without the Lord's grace, and the Lord sometimes allows a few devotees to see and hear about their presence. Some days when Lord Visvambhara would be sitting, one of these unseen servants would approach Him. He would say, "Remain where you are", and all the rest of them would immediately again go back into hiding.
The number of such unseen visitors is so numerous that there is no need to write the exact figure. The Lord asked His devotees, "Can you not see these heavenly visitors?" The devotees replied with folded hands, "All the three worlds are serving You, my Lord. What power do we possess to see all of them unless You empower us with the vision to see them?"
These are the super-excellent pastimes of Lord Caitanya which are all esoteric in nature. Anyone who faithfully hears them, attains the highest perfection. One should not doubt the veracity of this statement. The proof is that all the prominent demigods like Brahma and Siva were daily visitors to Lord Caitanya's house.
Thus Lord Caitanya delivered Jagai and Madhai very easily because He is the life and soul of the Universe, the most munificent of all incarnations; and so He will deliver everyone with the exception of those who are critical of the Vaisnavas and who act against the teachings of the Vedas.
If a personality, even of the stature of Lord Siva, commits an offense against a devotee of the Lord, then according to the Srimad-Bhagavatam they soon meet their end:
mahad-vimanat sva-krtad dhi madri
nanksyaty adurad api sulapanih
[SB 5.10.25]"Although I have committed an offense by insulting you, I know that there is no loss or gain for you due to my insult. You are fixed in your determination, but I have committed an offense. Because of this, even though I may be as strong as Lord Siva, I shall be vanquished without delay, due to my offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava."
The scriptures strongly condemning offenses against the Vaisnavas. If they offend a Vaisnava, an erudite scholar will not be saved by their spiritual readings nor will a person engaged in chanting Lord Krsna's holy name be spared punishment. The instructions of the Padma Purana as cited here, when followed strictly, will help one develop love of Godhead:
Satain ninda namnah paramamaparadham
vitanute yatah khyatim jatam kathamu sahate tadvigarhamTo criticize and find faults in pure devotees of the Lord is the most grievous offense against the Holy Name. O Holy Name, how can You bear the criticism against Your pure devotees through whom Your glories have been propagated? You can never tolerate criticism against those who have dedicated their lives to propagating the holy name of the Lord. Such offenders are annihilated.
Lord Gauracandra will certainly deliver anyone who faithfully hears of the deliverance of these two big sinners. All glory to Lord Gauracandra who is the deliverer of the most fallen demoniac souls. He is the most magnanimous Lord, an ocean of mercy. He sees only one's devotional qualities, and rejects their faults. Anyone who can remain alive without rendering devotional service to His lotus feet is a great sinner. Certainly only by one's previous pious activities is such a life somehow maintained. But what good is such a life?
In spite of my discrepancies, please be merciful to me so that I may be allowed to always chant Your glories. Lord Caitanya is my spiritual master and my Lord's Lord and master, and in every birth I pray that I may become Their eternal servitor.
The pastimes of Lord Caitanya are without beginning and without end. I am compiling these pastimes to be able to glorify Him in any manner I can. I offer Him and His associates my respectful obeisances, and I pray at their lotus feet that all my offenses may be excused.
Lord Sri Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu are my life and soul.
I, Vrndavana dasa, offer this song at Their lotus feet.
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